Icon1000 Homemade Sin is built in a H-D Dyna chassis and powered by an S&S T124 Black Edition. The bike is obscenely wide and built for glory. ‘Homemade Sin’ is every bit a V-twin minus the Milwaukee factory blessing. For instance, having this bike built around an S&S punched-up motor in a Dyna frame guarantees some memorable seat time.

This machine had sufficient cubic inches for victory circle. And an obliterated VIN for jail time. Upfront, she sports a factory Ducati wide glide fork built by the Italian firm during a period they would rather forget. Encasing the Monster forks are the cannibalized shrouds & nacelle from a 1969 Honda Dream.

Following the trail of repurposed parts, rearward ‘Homemade Sin’ sports more Honda finery in the way of a Supersport tank with modified endurance racing fillers and a matching tail section.

A Roaring Toyz beast mode swingarm and Nitron Racing Shocks complete the rear end. Vintage Abe wheels, vintage-ish Avon rubber, and not vintage at all EBC rotors connect the Frankenstün creation with the cracked Georgia tarmac.

In conclusion, Homemade Sin is ugly fast. And like most ICON builds, She is an acquired taste indeed. As a result we at V-Twin Visionary love every inch of her.

Sponsors: Avon Tyres, Nitron Racing Shocks, S&S, Roaring Toys, Klotz, Belt Drives Ltd., SpeedMerchant, Cometic Gasket, PBI Sprockets, EBC Brakes, Magura, Goodridge, CentralAuto Body, Performance Machine Inc.