The Progressive International Motorcycle Shows (IMS) rolled into Washington, DC last weekend, bringing the 2019/2020 Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show (UBCBS) with it. Sponsored by J&P Cycles, the UBCBS celebrates its tenth consecutive year.
It’s also one of (if not the) largest touring custom bike competitions in the nation. The competition features more than 300 motorcycles across the eight-city IMS tour, awarding more than $70,000 in cash and prizes. This year’s categories include Custom Classic, Custom Street, Freestyle, and People’s Choice. The winners in each city move on to the championship round in Chicago, Illinois. For this round, here are your champions and runners-up.
Custom Classic:

Custom Street:


People’s Choice:

Judged by a panel of industry experts, winners in each city along the IMS tour will be invited to compete in the championship round taking place February 9, 2020 in Chicago for a chance to be crowned “King of the Builders.” To learn more, go here.