Indian Motorcycle has announced official support for the 2023 staging of the Indian Riders Fest (IRF). It’s expected to be the world’s largest gathering of Indian Motorcycle owners following the impressive attendance at the 2022 event. Located in České Budějovice (Budweis), Czech Republic, the festival will center around a large event village in the city exhibition grounds and will see a rich program of events from June 9-11, 2023.

The IRF was born from the desire of organizer Jean-Marie Guyon to bring riders from Europe and beyond to Budweis. Regardless of language or cultural background, they share their passion for the Indian Motorcycle brand. Expectations are high that 2023 could set new records after IRF 2022 saw more than 2500 motorcycles attend the festival and the celebratory parade featured 1200 Indian bikes.
The Village People
Just a short walk from the city center, the event village will welcome riders with a large Indian Motorcycle area and, to kick-off the weekend’s events, a big live concert followed by a DJ led afterparty will be held on the Friday evening.

Festivalgoers will also have plenty of entertainment and shopping opportunities from more than 100 exhibitors and stands, plus the chance to win a customised Indian Challenger in the big prize raffle.

In addition to more live concerts throughout the weekend, creative talent will be on display in the Custom Indian Motorcycle Show. There’ll also be a Vintage motorcycle exhibition. The Lucky Daredevils also defy gravity on the famous Wall of Death. Martin Krátky will also perform stunts on his Indian FTR.

Saturday Night Fever
The Saturday parade has become a famous highlight of the festival. It grew from 465 Indian Motorcycles in 2019 to 1200 last year. Now, organizers are preparing a new 25km route on roads closed especially for the ride. They hope to shatter the 2000 Indian Motorcycle mark. The ride will also put a spotlight on women bikers with the Ladies First group heading the parade.

After a ride through the beautiful Bohemia area, the parade finishes at the heart of the city: Přemysl Otakar II square. This provides a spectacular photo opportunity. Indian Motorcycle Riders groups are invited lay their flags in the center of the historic square.

For those who’d like to attend but can’t ride to the event, rentals are available through ZM-Moto.

Rentals will be available onsite from as early as Tuesday 6th June. Choices consist of 17 Indian Motorcycles across the Scout, FTR, Chief, Chieftain and Springfield model ranges. Find out more here.