Tanks for Troops FTR 1200 Custom Tank Auction is Live

Tanks for Troops raised $30,000 for charity in its previous incarnations. This year, Carey Hart and The Good Ride are aiming to surpass that mark, bringing even more funds raised to support United States military veterans and military families who may suffer from physical or mental challenges and who are in need of financial support and additional resources.

Bidding for Tanks for Troops went live on Thursday, January 9 (here), and it ends promptly at 9pm on January 16. With 24 Indian Motorcycle tank covers designed by various artists, these works of art range in style and inspirations from tattoos and motorsports to fine art and military-inspired pieces. Among the artists participating is Carey’s eight-year-old daughter Willow Hart, who designed her own Indian tank cover. Here’s a gallery of just a few of the tanks up for bid right now so you can get a feel for what to expect.

tanks for troops lumpy's garage
Zandar of Lumpy’s Garage prides himself on real deal garage art.


mckeag art ftr 1200 tank
McKeag Art’s handiwork. All of Darren McKeag’s enamel paintings are done by hand, with a brush.


tanks for troops gasparian ftr 1200
Tag Gasparian got started as a pro surfer in the 80’s when he began painting his own surf boards.


ryan roadkill ftr 1200
Ryan Roadkill brought his punk rock vibe to bear on his FTR 1200 tank.
tanks for troops
Jason Beam drew inspiration from The Great Escape. For you new kids, it’s the true story of an Allied POW escape during WWII, featuring the legendary Steve McQueen.
Lastly, here’s Willow Hart’s color-filled entry. Yes, that’s a poop emoji. Right now, she’s leading the pack in the bidding!

The Good Ride was founded several years ago by hooligan racer, bike builder, and motocross rider Carey Hart to raise money for his various favorite charities. If you’d like to find out all about it, you can check out The Good Ride here.

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