Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Decision Planned for June

A lot of us have our eyes on the 2020 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally right now. It being the largest of the large in American motorcycle events, how Sturgis deals with COVID-19 lockdown could be a model for other events. The City of Sturgis hasn’t made up its mind yet as to whether or not they’re holding the event. Having said that, we do know that the city is taking a hard look at the pro’s and con’s. And a decision is expected by June 15th.

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Here are some of the considerations the city has under its microscope.

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

First, the city of Sturgis needs to be confident that an event wouldn’t pose an unreasonable imposition to local residents and health care. Second, almost all American corporations have cut back hard on shows and travel. That means a lot fewer sponsors and exhibitors. With many local businesses reliant on rally revenue, the impact on those businesses is all but guaranteed to be profound. And not in a good way; restaurants, hotels, and shops could face foreclosure. And finally, lots of small vendors depend on the event for their annual profit. If there isn’t a rally this year, they may go under or not be able to return in 2021.

We’ll keep you updated on the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as we learn more. To find out more yourself, get information here.

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