Our very own Super Bowl if you will. It all comes down to this! The Sturgis stop of our VTV Performance show was located yet again at the Harley-Davidson Rally Point on the corner of H-D Way and Main St in downtown Sturgis.
This brings out all the heavy hitters from the performance world to show off their insane builds. A lot of the builds are mind blowing and feature some of the craziest engineering as well just to bring their visions to a reality. The Performance Bagger craze has made its mark on the industry over the past couple of years and to see what some of these builders and owners have is crazy to see. But the show doesn’t stop there.Â

This year’s Best FXR winner was Cory from Main Drive Cycle. He brought the heat with his M8 FXR. To our knowledge, there are only three of these out in the world that are fully functioning. Karl from Lucky Speed came down to show off his brand new lightning bolt risers on his FXR which were out of control. Not to mention the plethora of insane builds from guys like Vex Cycles, King Tony, and others. Congrats to all the winners, and an even bigger congrats to Brian Dubuc for taking home Best in show and $1000 cash from our friends at J&P Cycles. To cap off the entire day, we also released our brand new VTV x Dixxon Flannel Bamboo shirt which are available now on our online store!Â

The fun continues! Keep track of our own shows, including the awesome VTV Smoky Mtn Tour, on our site, Facebook, and Instagram.