Barenjager Hot Toddy Recipe FTW

We got to know Barenjager really well this year thanks to their involvement with all of our motorcycle events. Hopefully some of you did, too. Their sweet honey liqueurs were a tasty way to kick back and enjoy the evening after a day’s ride. But as we head into fall and winter, their hot toddy recipe comes in handy in the war against cold and flu we’ll be fighting the next few months. Check it out!


Barenjager Hot Toddy Recipe:

  • 2 oz Bärenjäger Honey Bourbon
  • Earl Grey Tea
  • Lemon Wedge
  • Cinnamon Stick


Build ingredients in a mug. Garnish with a lemon wedge and a cinnamon stick.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Barenjager has plenty of cocktail recipes for your drinking pleasure here.

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