QUESTIONED: Anthony Partridge

Place: UK Handle: @immrpartridge URL:

What do you do for money?

Design/Build Motorcycles and Newly added TV presenter

How did you get into motorcycles?

My father used to ride a triumph when I was really little that I don’t remember but when I was older he bought a Honda 750 Nighthawk that i used to steal when he would go out! I shit myself but at the same time got addicted to the speed and riding like a nutjob!

What was your first motorcycle?

Kawasaki  KDX80

What do you currently ride?

My daily is my mad max or more like frankenstein custom built 1200 sporty, I drag race my Turboed Yamaha MT10, and also have a lil 125cc custom built Kreidler I ride and race from time to time.

What is your all-time favorite motorcycle?

That’s impossible to answer! I love HD’s old and new,  and those are what started my career in the motorcycle industry but I’m also addicted to track riding superbikes and who doesn’t love 2 strokes!! I love riding enduro so Id have to say I love all motorcycles as they all have a different but special place in my heart!!

What attracted you to motorcycles?

The freedom to go where you want when you want, when I had my first KDX80 it was like the world was now my oyster. As a grew up and rode road bikes the world definitely became my oyster. Speed, riding, racing it’s all part of it! Motorcycles have introduced me to so many rad people around the world and most of my friends I have now are because of motorcycles!

What do you like about riding motorcycles?

I’m not gonna lie I ride like a lunatic and the thrill of riding and knowing that everyone and everything is trying to kill you every minute is a rush. I love riding on the limit and when riding with friends of the same level. When you have the right crew you feel like that 13 yr old kid in a field again for the first time! It’s all a rush. But must say I also love a roadtrip with friends.  The only time there is absolutely NO stress in my head is when I have a helmet on and I’m riding 🙂

How have motorcycles changed your life?

Motorcycle have given me and outlet to express myself, I never considered myself an artist but If it wasn’t for Motorcycles I don’t think I would have the great friends I have now and would not have traveled to all the places I’ve been to.

Who or what have you gained inspiration from?

I get inspired by a lot of things from old and new bikes, car and planes and trains you name it, I love when I see something so simple that I’ve never seen before or something so complex I keeps me awake at night trying to figure out why? Even places and states of mind inspire me! This world is full of inspiration!

What has changed your life for the better?

Apart from motorcycles and traveling Id have to say the amazing family I have and my beautiful amazing and creative daughter Madison.

What has changed your life for the worse?

Social Media! I hate it so much, I miss the days where print was king and everyone talked to each other. I know it’s a great tool for us all and without it it would be harder to get your stuff out there, but man I think it’s destroying the world!!

Any other statements or slander you would like the world to know?

Chase your dreams and never give up! Don’t let the haters bring you down, use them as your drive to succeed!  Surround yourself with great people! Ride as much as you can and push yourself to the limits. Do the best you can and live your life like there ain’t no tomorrow cause in a heartbeat it can all be over, say yes even if it scares the shit outta ya!! You won’t regret trying something and failing but you’ll definitely regret not trying it at all! Life is what you make it, make sure you have a good moral compass. There are too many CUNTS in this world don’t be one of them. Karma’s a bitch!!

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