Name: Brett Conley

 Place: United States of America! Handle: @BC_Ride URL: Ain’t got one

What do you do for money? 

Brand Marketing Manager at Bell Helmets

How did you get into motorcycles? 

From the time I was born my dad always had bikes of various genres and I’d spend all my time in the shop with him watching, learning, taking it all in.  Riding on the tank of a dirt bike or hanging on the back of his street bike rolling down the road. I was hooked!

 What was your first motorcycle? 

When I was 3 I got a Suzuki JR60 but my first road bike was a 1987 Ninja 60 that I traded my car for after graduating high school right before moving to Montana. Not the smartest thing I’ve ever done but it was a fun run until winter arrived.

What do you currently ride? 

I ride all sorts of different bikes all the time given my chosen profession, but my personal bike is a 1994 H-D FXR Twin Cam conversion

 What is your all-time favorite motorcycle? 

Man that’s a tough one… Probably have to say my my 2001 H-D FXDXT Dyna.

 What attracted you to motorcycles? 

The speed the sound the smell the feel. They are sensory stimulus creations.

What do you like about riding motorcycles? 

The ability to be completely alone with yourself while surrounded by your friends on a ride sharing an adventure. Nothing centers me like putting my helmet on and shutting the world off for a few hours. A lot of quality thinking or no thinking at all can simultaneously happen on a ride.

How have motorcycles changed your life? 

Motorcycles gave me a lifelong bond with my family. Something we could share a passion for that I’m lucky enough to now share with my own son. Motorcycles have given me the ability to travel the world, forge real friendships with people whose paths I’d have otherwise never crossed. Motorcycles have also provided me with a career in one form or another from a young age. If it weren’t for motorcycles I never would have met even my wife! Basically every aspect of my life in one form or another has been and always will be effected by motorcycles

Who or what have you gained inspiration from? 

Geoff Fox. I worked for him and his family at Fox Racing for many years and he was always a great example of building an American success story from nothing. He always lead by example, valued our contribution to his brand, treated us with respect and pushed us to do well for ourselves. Also  Jesse James and WCC honestly. The stuff he was building was so fuckin’ cool! That’s what turned me on to the V-twin side initially. Watching those early shows is what sent me down the road to building my first complete bike.  

What has changed your life for the better? 

Having the opportunity to be a part of the Bell team, laying out a strategies and accomplishing milestones together is a really great feeling. I’m very proud of what we are doing and where we are going.

What has changed your life for the worse? 

I probably sound like an asshole complaining about anything to do with the kick ass world of motorcycles I get to live in, but it’d be nice to go to a motorcycling event as a “civilian” and just enjoy it from the other side of the spectrum for a change.  

Any other statements or slander you would like the world to know? 

Splitting lanes should be legal in all 50 states.

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