Motorcycle events like the V-twin Visionary Smoky Mountain Tour can be a great place to network and brainstorm about bikes and the motorcycle industry in general. Case in point: The DEHAVN. It’s a clothing and rider gear company born of Natalie Kleiner and Aaron Hartless after they met at our 2019 Tour. Recently we pinned them down for an interview about where The DEHAVN is and where it’s going.

VTV – What is The DEHAVN?
Aaron.The DEHAVN is a design team carving out a piece of the pie in this segment of the industry. We are driven by our love of riding but that does not limit us to the types or gear we produce.
VTV – Tell us about your backgrounds.
Aaron. After 13 years in surf and skate I made the switch to moto 7 years ago. My focus has been helping brands produce items ready for market. From simple design changes to full custom apparel I take a personal interest in every pattern that we make. I have traveled nonstop the last seven years developing new items, creating content, and getting riders to think about the brands they support.
Natalie: It goes back to when I was a kid. I remember lying in bed when I couldn’t have been more than 6 years old. I couldn’t fall asleep, because I was thinking about what style socks would be super cool to wear with my shorts in the soon coming summer. I’ve always had a love for clothing and fashion, to look as functionally cool as possible and expressing yourself through what you wear. It’s seemed to only increase with time. I was a fit model for Maurices at their corporate office in Duluth, Minnesota. That’s when it really kicked it off for me. I was going to college for art and design at the time. Fit modeling was easy money and tapped into my love for fashion.

I later ended up working in their merchandising and product development department for women’s apparel. As time went on, I went to work with Troy Lee Designs developing their motocross gear. It was a dream job pairing my love for apparel and moto. But I’ve always wanted to do my own thing. I’ve talked about it and tried to find ways to do it. When Aaron and I were introduced about a year ago at the V-twin Visionary Tour, that’s when it really kicked off.
It was the first day we had ever met. Hell, the first five minutes we had ever spoken to each other. And there we were, nearly speaking in our own secret language about all of the things that we love within the riding community. But most importantly, the things that we felt were missing that we could put forth. It didn’t take us long to know that what we could accomplish together would be pivotal. And now here we are and it’s been nonstop.

VTV – How did this idea and team get started?
Aaron. We met at the 2019 V-twin visionary tour and instantly started talking about what items we were pumped on in the industry and what items we would like to produce if given a chance. I had a couple factories offering me positions so I leveraged my knowledge and secured a factory to back my ideas. I knew I had to make gear for women but didn’t want to be that guy pushing gear I could not test myself. It was a natural fit to make Natalie in charge of the women’s line. Her ideas and style stand alone and I can’t wait to see what this brand becomes.
VTV – What makes The DEHAVN different ?
Aaron. The first thing we talk about is what makes sense for us to wear when we ride and travel. Then we talk about what styles excite us. The DEHAVN uses the right materials and puts them to good use. We know what works on the road and what doesn’t. Being a rider-owned company with a hands-on approach in materials and patterns will make our items stand out. The DEHAVN will not be persuaded to join in on the current fad. Instead it will make items that will perform with a classic silhouette.
VTV – What else can we expect from the two of you?
Natalie: It’s endless really. I think that we have a lot to put out to our community. Between Aaron and I, we seem to feed off of each other when we start talking and designing things. One person does one thing and it fuels the other to do another thing. And then it fuels the other, and so on and so on. It’s this constant nonstop firing cycle. It’s pretty cool having a partner that is equally passionate and really ignites the other. I have so many ideas for ladies apparel that I can hardly sit still (literally).

I think of something and have to run and write it down so I don’t forget because I have so many ideas that come to mind. On some of the cross-country trips we just did, I’d think of something while riding and repeat it over and over in my mind so I wouldn’t forget before putting it in my phone at the next gas stop. There are many good things coming round the bend for ladies that have been craved for so long. As for the guys, Aaron has impeccable design taste and knows exactly what a rider needs to function, I always love building ideas with him. He has a lot of really nice things on the drawing board that I know the guys are going to be really happy to see.

We also really like to collaborate with other brands. The moto community in general has a really good thing going, where we all want to work to help each other, to build, succeed and grow. I’m really enjoying being a part of all of that and really look forward to seeing how it collectively builds our whole community.
We have a giveaway coming up also. For every 1000 Instagram followers that we get, we’re giving away a jacket, canvas or denim shirt. It’s whatever the winner wants, they get to choose! I love that piece of it. Not only are we working to build our brand, but we get to see the people standing alongside of us reap the rewards as well! I remember when I was younger, I would’ve loved to have had some of the product that was coming out. Now we’re giving that chance to some of these people. With that being said, when we hit 50k followers on Instagram, we’ll be doing a Sturgis trip giveaway.

It will be an all-expenses paid trip for someone to either ride their bike out to Sturgis. If they don’t have enough vacation time, we will ship their bike out for them instead. We have more info on our Instagram page @thedehavn for those who want to check it out. By doing this, we hope that we can contribute to someone’s dream coming true. Not only do we want to build a brand that we love and feel strongly about, we’re really looking forward to the people that get to reap some of the rewards along the way with us while we make it all happen! Because without every single one of the people who support us, none of this would be possible!
Follow @thedehavn and the personal journeys of @nataliekkleiner and @ahartless.