Indian Motorcycle awarded a lucky winner with a very special customized Indian FTR during the famous Wheels & Waves festival in June. After a test ride campaign spanning three months, which attracted over 9000 participants from 20 countries, Martin from Toulouse was randomly selected as the winner of a VIP trip to Wheels & Waves to be presented with his half of the exclusive pair of ‘FTR Loeb’ customs.

Envisioned by Sébastien Loeb and crafted with meticulous attention to detail by the talented team at Tank Machine, the twin Indian FTR customs are a unique interpretation of the American V-twin celebrating Loeb’s remarkable career, his nine World Rally championships, represented by the 9X logo, and his passion for motorcycles.

With Loeb’s half of the matching pair already adorning his trophy room, Martin is now in the exclusive position of being the only other person in the world to own a custom motorcycle that symbolises the legacy of an outstanding career.
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